48Pcs/Bag Japanese-Style Anti-Bug & Anti-Mold Mothballs for Cabinets & Drawers 无毒防虫防霉去异味防衣服发黄 樟脑丸
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Courier Company Location Shipping Cost (Manual Order) Estimated delivery (Working days)
Pos Laju Sabah RM  19.00 1 - 2 Days
Pos Laju Sarawak RM  19.00 1 - 2 Days
Pos Laju Semenanjung RM  6.50 1 - 2 Days
Shipping fee calculate based on the product highest weight/ volumetric dimension. Product more than 2kg can refer others postage.

Product Information
*Name: Anti-Mold, Moth-Proof, Deodorizing Sachets
*Origin: Japan
*Shelf Life: 3 years (unopened), 1 year (after opening)
*Net Content: Granular type (48 sachets)
Efficacy: Protects against insects and moths, prevents mold and yellowing, deodorizes, and leaves a fresh scent

Say Goodbye to Common Wardrobe Problems!
No more moldy, yellowed, or moth-eaten clothes. Eliminate unpleasant wardrobe odors with this safe and effective alternative to mothballs. Specially designed for families, including pregnant women and infants, these sachets contain no toxic substances, no strong odors, and no irritation. Clothes can be worn immediately after use, leaving them with a fresh, natural scent.

Key Benefits:

✅ Non-Toxic & Safe – Free from harsh chemicals like dichlorobenzene, commonly found in mothballs
✅ Anti-Mold & Anti-Yellowing – Methyl-4-isopropylphenol & absorbents protect fabrics
✅ Natural Freshness – Infused with green tea extract & calcium carbonate for long-lasting deodorization
✅ Long-Lasting Protection – Effective for up to 1 year per sachet
✅ Easy-to-Use Visual Indicator – Granules change to purple when it's time to replace

Where to Use:

✔ Wardrobes & Closets
✔ Shoe Cabinets
✔ Bookshelves
✔ Storage Boxes

Usage Reminder:

For delicate items like gold/silver thread fabrics, Japanese kimonos, metal accessories, leather, and fur, place the sachets on a sheet of paper to prevent direct contact with clothes.


✅ 无毒安全 – 不含樟脑丸中常见的二氯苯等刺激性化学物质
✅ 防霉防黄 – 甲基-4-异丙基苯酚和吸收剂可保护织物
✅ 天然清新 – 注入绿茶提取物和碳酸钙,可持久除臭
✅ 持久保护 – 每包有效期长达 1 年
✅ 易于使用的视觉指示器 – 需要更换时颗粒会变成紫色


✔ 衣柜和壁橱
✔ 鞋柜
✔ 书架
✔ 储物盒

Maklumat Produk
*Nama: Sachet Anti-Culatan, Kalis Rama-Rama, Penyahbauan
*Asal: Jepun
*Hayat Simpanan: 3 tahun (belum dibuka), 1 tahun (selepas dibuka)
*Kandungan Bersih: Jenis berbutir (48 sachet)
Keberkesanan: Melindungi daripada serangga dan rama-rama, mencegah acuan dan kekuningan, menghilangkan bau, dan meninggalkan bau segar

Ucapkan Selamat Tinggal kepada Masalah Almari Pakaian Biasa!
Tiada lagi pakaian yang berkulat, kekuningan, atau dimakan rama-rama. Hilangkan bau almari pakaian yang tidak menyenangkan dengan alternatif selamat dan berkesan untuk ubat gegat ini. Direka khas untuk keluarga, termasuk wanita hamil dan bayi, sachet ini tidak mengandungi bahan toksik, tiada bau yang kuat dan tiada kerengsaan. Pakaian boleh dipakai serta-merta selepas digunakan, meninggalkannya dengan haruman semula jadi yang segar.

Faedah Utama:

? Tidak Toksik & Selamat – Bebas daripada bahan kimia keras seperti dichlorobenzene, yang biasa ditemui dalam ubat gegat
? Anti Acuan & Anti Kekuningan – Methyl-4-isopropylphenol & penyerap melindungi fabrik
? Kesegaran Semulajadi – Diselit dengan ekstrak teh hijau & kalsium karbonat untuk penyahbauan yang tahan lama
? Perlindungan Tahan Lama – Berkesan sehingga 1 tahun setiap sachet
? Penunjuk Visual yang Mudah Digunakan – Butiran berubah menjadi ungu apabila tiba masanya untuk diganti

Di mana untuk digunakan:

? Almari & Almari
? Kabinet Kasut
? Rak buku
? Kotak Penyimpanan

Peringatan Penggunaan:
Untuk barangan halus seperti fabrik benang emas/perak, kimono Jepun, aksesori logam, kulit dan bulu, letakkan uncang pada helaian kertas untuk mengelakkan sentuhan langsung dengan pakaian.

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We provide wide array of products including, but not limited to, car accessories, pet accessories, electrical products, cosmetics, and kitchenware. One thing that is worth highlighting is that the prices we are offering are budget friendly, keeping in line with our hope to create a pleasant business venture for each of our clients.In the light of the fact that timeliness is of the utmost importance in online shopping, we – being one of the best dropship suppliers and dropship wholesalers in Malaysia - always go the extra mile in the bid to dropship products to their respective recipients in time. Great attention is also placed during the delivery stage to ensure that all the dropshipped products are received in the finest conditions possible.