Kamus Lengkap Dwibahasa Bahasa Inggeris - Bahasa Melayu Bahasa Melayu - Bahasa Inggeris (Edisi Rekini)
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Kamus ini dibangunkan dengan tujuan utama untuk membantu pelajar dan semua golongan
bagi memperkaya perbendaharaan kata dan mempertingkatkan pemahaman mereka
dalam kedua-dua bahasa; Melayu dan Inggeris.
Dalam marcapada yang semakin memerlukan komunikasi yang berkesan
dan berinteraksi dengan mantap, kemahiran berbahasa yang baik adalah
kunci untuk berjaya dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan.
Dengan pilihan kata dan frasa yang teliti dan tepat, kamus ini
dicerakinkan untuk memenuhi keperluan pendidikan dan komunikasi sehari-hari
pelajar dan semua golongan. Arakian, kamus ini juga menyediakan
definisi yang jelas serta mudah difahami.
Tajuk: Kamus Lengkap Dwibahasa
ISBN: 9789674091590
Diterbit oleh: Crescent New
Editor: DR. Rosnah Mat Zin
Tahun Terbitan: 2024
Muka Surat: 508
Halaman: Hitam Putih
Format: Paperback

超过 55000 字
两种语言; 马来语和英语。
学生和所有团体。 阿拉基语,这本词典还提供
编辑:博士。 罗斯纳·麦辛
This dictionary was developed with the main purpose of helping students and all groups
to enrich their vocabulary and improve their understanding
in both languages; Malay and English.
In a world that increasingly requires effective communication
and interact well, good language skills are
the key to success in various aspects of life.
With a careful and accurate choice of words and phrases, this dictionary
simplified to meet the needs of education and daily communication
students and all groups. Arakian, this dictionary also provides
clear and easy to understand definition.
Title: Bilingual Complete Dictionary
ISBN: 9789674091590
Published by: Crescent New
Editor: DR. Rosnah Mat Zin
Year of Issue: 2024
Page: 508
Pages: Black and White
Format: Paperback

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We provide wide array of products including, but not limited to, car accessories, pet accessories, electrical products, cosmetics, and kitchenware. One thing that is worth highlighting is that the prices we are offering are budget friendly, keeping in line with our hope to create a pleasant business venture for each of our clients.In the light of the fact that timeliness is of the utmost importance in online shopping, we – being one of the best dropship suppliers and dropship wholesalers in Malaysia - always go the extra mile in the bid to dropship products to their respective recipients in time. Great attention is also placed during the delivery stage to ensure that all the dropshipped products are received in the finest conditions possible.