BASILUR Chinese White Tea - White Loose-Leaf Tea without Additives 100g
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Courier Company Location Shipping Cost (Manual Order) Estimated delivery (Working days)
Pos Laju Sabah RM  19.00 1 - 2 Days
Pos Laju Sarawak RM  19.00 1 - 2 Days
Pos Laju Semenanjung RM  5.80 1 - 2 Days
Shipping fee calculate based on the product highest weight/ volumetric dimension. Product more than 2kg can refer others postage.

White tea is one of the most expensive and least processed tea varieties, obtained from the young and delicate buds of the Camellia sinensis plant, especially collected in spring.
The dry tea of this variety is characterized by white hairs covering the buds, giving it a bright, almost white color appearance, while the infusion has a light straw-yellow hue.
Included in the set are the original, branded Basilur filters, which are a functional and ecological addition to tea brewing.
Thanks to the patented aroma system, the filters allow capturing the full richness of the tea's flavor and scent, without the worry of losing aromatic qualities.
Using these filters, you can enjoy the high quality of brewed tea, without worrying about preserving its original flavor and scent, and without concern about a long and complicated brewing process.
Net weight: 100g

Ingredients: 100% Chinese white tea without additives
Country of origin: China
White Tea: White tea contains twice as many antioxidants as green tea, which is why it best slows down the aging process. It also has antibacterial properties and protects against viruses. It strengthens not only the body's immunity but also teeth and gums. To fully benefit from its properties, drink it 2-4 times a day. If your budget is limited, you can brew the tea leaves 2-3 times to extract the full range of nutrients.
Brewing method:
Pour hot water at a temperature between 80°C and 90°C over a teaspoon of tea. The brewing time should be from 2 to 5 minutes. If you want to increase the strength of the tea infusion, use more leaves, not more brewing time.
White tea can be brewed multiple times (from two to several times). Each subsequent brewing should be extended by another 30-60 seconds.
套装中包括原装 Basilur 品牌滤网,它们是泡茶的实用且环保的补充。

成分:100% 中国白茶,不含添加剂


白茶:白茶含有的抗氧化剂是绿茶的两倍,因此它最能延缓衰老过程。它还具有抗菌特性,可抵御病毒。它不仅可以增强人体的免疫力,还可以增强牙齿和牙龈。为了充分发挥其功效,每天饮用 2-4 次。如果您的预算有限,您可以冲泡茶叶 2-3 次,以提取全部营养成分。
将温度在 80°C 至 90°C 之间的热水倒入一茶匙茶中。冲泡时间应为 2 至 5 分钟。如果您想增加茶的浓度,请使用更多的茶叶,而不是增加冲泡时间。
白茶可以冲泡多次(从两次到几次)。每次后续冲泡应再延长 30-60 秒。
Teh putih adalah salah satu jenis teh yang paling mahal dan paling sedikit diproses, diperoleh daripada tunas muda dan halus tumbuhan Camellia sinensis, terutamanya yang dikumpulkan pada musim bunga.
Teh kering varieti ini dicirikan oleh rambut putih yang menutupi tunas, memberikan penampilan warna yang terang, hampir putih, manakala penyerapan mempunyai warna kuning jerami yang terang.
Termasuk dalam set adalah penapis Basilur berjenama asli, yang merupakan tambahan yang berfungsi dan ekologi untuk membancuh teh.
Terima kasih kepada sistem aroma yang dipatenkan, penapis membolehkan menangkap kekayaan penuh rasa dan bau teh, tanpa bimbang kehilangan kualiti aromatik.
Menggunakan penapis ini, anda boleh menikmati teh yang dibancuh berkualiti tinggi, tanpa bimbang tentang mengekalkan rasa dan bau asalnya, dan tanpa bimbang tentang proses pembuatan bir yang panjang dan rumit.
Berat bersih: 100g

Bahan-bahan: 100% teh putih Cina tanpa bahan tambahan
Negara asal: China
Teh Putih: Teh putih mengandungi dua kali lebih banyak antioksidan berbanding teh hijau, itulah sebabnya ia melambatkan proses penuaan. Ia juga mempunyai sifat antibakteria dan melindungi daripada virus. Ia menguatkan bukan sahaja imuniti badan tetapi juga gigi dan gusi. Untuk mendapat manfaat sepenuhnya daripada khasiatnya, minum 2-4 kali sehari. Jika bajet anda terhad, anda boleh membancuh daun teh 2-3 kali untuk mengekstrak rangkaian penuh nutrien.
Kaedah pembuatan bir:
Tuangkan air panas pada suhu antara 80°C dan 90°C ke atas satu sudu teh teh. Masa membancuh hendaklah dari 2 hingga 5 minit. Jika anda ingin meningkatkan kekuatan infusi teh, gunakan lebih banyak daun, bukan lebih masa membancuh.
Teh putih boleh dibancuh beberapa kali (dari dua hingga beberapa kali). Setiap bancuhan berikutnya hendaklah dilanjutkan selama 30-60 saat lagi.

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